I thought learning the numbers in their sequence starting from the zero which is green and going clockwise around the roulette wheel would work well using the major system (or association method) and linking each number (as an image) to the number preceding it using the story method or link system. I am looking for a strategy to learn this information off pat without the necessity of reference to a ‘hand-held roulette card’.
For example opposite a zero, one would find the following two numbers a 5 and a 10 (as there are two numbers opposite each number). The other thing I’d like to know is which two numbers are directly opposite each number on the roulette wheel. So I would like to know for example that number 28 is black and that number 36 is red for example. Firstly I would like to be able to differentiate between all numbers in terms of their colors.
I’m seeking some assistance in trying to learn the numbers around a European roulette wheel, that is the roulette wheel with one single green zero and not the American roulette wheel where there are two zeros (a 0 and a 00).